Two months to the dream comes true

I don’t know whether this post is useful for those who read it but I know it is for me as one of the journal entry for my European adventure diary. The progress for the preparation is about 85% now. UK Visa is applied and it’s still being processed. We still can’t apply for the Schengen visa because some train tickets haven’t been booked yet (because the reservation isn’t opened yet.)

So… This is the progress after 8 months of planning our Euro adventure:

  • Bandi is still finding way to  buy the Juventus tickets online even though it seems like almost impossible. I will be so happy if I could just visit Ennio Tardini, without watching Parma live, but Bandi said the point of this Europe trip is for him to watch Juventus playing live so I just agreed for that one.
  • I have highlighted all the Van Gogh’s paintings location in National Galery London, D’orsay Paris, and Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam so that I won’t waste too much time wandering around in the museum (because Bandi will be so bored.) I’m thinking to read more books about him and probably make a special post about “Chasing Van Gogh” once I return from the Europe trip.
  • To avoid argument and fight, Bandi and I decided to split up in Amsterdam (and some time in London). I want to go to both Rijskmuseum and Van Gogh Museum while Bandi would explore town with bicycles. We’re thinking to buy prepaid SIM card that can be used all over Europe to contact each other. If anyone has any idea about this, kindly tell me. I’m still gathering info about European SIM card. Will there be prepaid nano sim card being sold in small market? Where should I buy it and how much?
  • I was telling Bandi that I will watch Les Miserables in London and he is free to explore London by himself while I’m enjoying myself with Hugo’s masterpiece but surprisingly, he bought me not only one ticket, but two tickets. I already promised him that I will never drag him to go to any musical or play with me anymore but when he volunteered, it’s totally a different story. =)
  • We’re gonna skip Mykonos because the flight schedule from Athens to Santorini/Mykonos changed in November. Unfortunately my planned flight is on 1st November so in the end I have to stay one night in Athens and fly to Santorini the next morning. Maybe next time, Mykonos!
  • We’re gonna skip Bath because we want to spend more time in London. London sounds very VERY VERY cool.
  • Booked all the BnB’s, all the local flights and the inter-country night trains. Only left with booking the local trains and inter-country day trains.

It’s probably the updates so far. I must say this is not easy. During the whole planning, Bandi and I argued a lot and it took a lot of time and energy to gather so many information, combine two stubborn heads to make one final itinerary. We have encountered so many shits such as Santorini changed schedule, rejections from hosts, delaying the schengen visa because Italian embassy asked for the city-city train reservations, and other small sweats but of course everything taught us a lesson to be smarter traveler.

I will update more later and I’m thinking to create a daily instagram post during my trip but I’m still thinking about the theme whether it’s a one thing to be grateful of each day theme or city highlight theme or probably will count down to 100 other sides of Europe. Still trying to create something fun and people can look forward to. =)

Adios for now!


May, si kaki gatal.

37 thoughts on “Two months to the dream comes true

  1. Wohooo 2 bulan lagi May! Dan akan ke Santorini juga? Enak banget! Pertama kali tahu tentang Santorini pas baca blognya Hani: | Tempatnya romantis pisan euy :D

  2. Sebagai seorg Juventini gw berdoa smoga keinginan Bandi terwujud, dan dengan demikian saya berharap foto2nya kelak.. hahah.. *doa ga ikhlas :p *

  3. Ihhh bentar lg kita ketemu dong hihi kan km ke medan sebelon ke yurop. Btw kayaknya bakal seruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bgt ya may apalagi kl dilamar keduakalinya disono *tetep pengen bandi ngelamar lu di yurop *

  4. just get sim card when u touchdown in one of the airport in EU (not uk). try to ask vodafone. their sim card should be useable in all over Europe but I’m not entirely sure about the roaming plan and how to reload the credit if you’re abroad. last year, I used my vodafone from Ireland in Germany, Holland, and Italy, but it was a post-paid plan.

  5. Aaakkk seru banget ini itinerary-nya May. Kayaknya justru lebih enak berantem-berantem bikin itinerary bareng gitu daripada cuma satu orang yang bikin trus satunya lagi manut wae…malah pusing lho *curhat*

  6. si bandi itu demen planning juga may? sampe jadi argue2 jadi wondering, kalo utin bakal ikut mikirin detail2 kaya gitu ga ya, kayanya si ga, cuma bilang mau kemana aja trus terserah aja gw atur2 hehhe. tp mngkn karena ini euro trip kali ya, jadi bener2 exciting gitu hehe.
    btw gw baru tau santorini itu yg di sisterhood of travelling pants. itu sih keren abis!

    • Yang kmrn2 mah dia ga segini rese nya de. Yang kali ini pake berantem2 karena trip nya ribet, mahal, dan dua2nya maw macem2 hahahahah. Akhirnya bakal split up kok sesekali biar keinginan dua2nya terpenuhi. :p

  7. Uihhhh…. bikin iri aja nihhh… kalo ke eropanya sih ngga…tapi travellingnya itu tuhhh… pengen banget juga bisa travelling, tapi kalo aku tujuannya udah pasti ke Jepang doooong… hihihi… hanya saja terhalang di budget. :(

  8. ini yang mau jalan-jalan siapa kok gw ikut deg-degan!

    soal preparation jalan-jalan (apalagi yang jauh dan mahal yaa neekk), emang menguras tenaga dan emosi banget. gw hampir putus lho pas bikin itinerary. padahal itu cuma 2 minggu dan 2 negara! tapi gw sih lebih seneng brainstorm sama orang yang jelas bilang maunya apa dari pada orang yang “terserah, terserah” tapi akhirnya bete.

    keep us posted may!

    • Hahahaha i feel you banget tan. Gue udah taw pasti bakal berantem kan makanya tiap brainstorming kita ke starbaks biar berantem nya kagak lebay. Kalo di rumah mah pasti piring2 pada pecah tuh. Hahahaha.
      Sama kok gue juga deg2an nya ga abis2 ini. XD
      I will keep you posted! I willllll *udah heboh*

  9. May sejak aku baca yang dulu kau post trip Yurop ini aku ngeceees to the max. Meskiii pas baca yg soal budgetnya sih nei nei nei ya hahahah. Aku setujuuuh, minta dilamar di Yurop. Di Santorini. You may not have the santorini wedding, tapi santorini lamaran kan boleh kakaaaak

      • I’ll be flying off in 2 weeks time…dan gue cuma punya rough itinerary doang, huahahahahhaha *faint*. Gue mo pake B&B kok ragu2 yah may. jiwa petualang gue udah menguap bareng umur kayaknya, huahahahha. share dong lo nginep dimana di paris?

      • Gue nginep di rumah orang di Montmatre, el. 4 nights in Paris. :)
        Tapi tiket kereta/plane udah ada kan ya. Masalah maw ngapain mah ikutin kemana kaki melangkah aja. Gue juga planning gak sampe detail tapi udah taw mau kemana aja dan siapin duitnya. :) si dexter siapa yg jaga?

  10. Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam isn’t that big. Bisa liat semua. Rijksmuseum gede banget. Untuk menghemat waktu beli ticketnya online aja, kalo ngga antri masuknya lama. Lebara, Vodafone untuk pre paid ok. Bisa beli diairport kok. Good luck!

  11. Simcard bisa beli di airport May, udah ada yang nano simcard buat Iphone harganya kalau ga salah sekitaran 15 Pound.
    Oiyaaa May lo bawa sepatu berapa? Apa aja jenisnya ? Kalau kata om gw mending pake sepatu kets aja kalau mau jalan jauh tapi pake jeansnya 3 lapis (What? lemak2 ini mesti ditambahin lagi pake 3 lapis jeans gitu ?? Kalau ga sengaja ketemu Iker Casillas atau CR7 di jalan gimana coba?!) atau pake boots dan jeansnya (tetep 3 lapis) hahaha.

    • Myabo! Beli di bandara heathrow nya berarti ya. Sip sip. Belinya di toko apaan nih? 7/11 gitu? Hahahaha
      Sepatu aku rencana bawa boots dan sneakers. Krn aku ada rencana hiking di italy. Boots nya buat sehari2 dan buat pas ke mt.titlis.
      Aku belum pernah ke tempat dingin my, makanya rada ngeri nih. Ga tahan dingin pula. Di bandung aja aku masuk angin parah, gimana di europe. Hahahaha
      Aku bawa jaket 3 macem. Trench coat, jeans jacket dan sweater.
      Celana nya paling pake long john dlmnya lapisin legging/celana.
      Ribet yah bo, makanya gue ga yakin kalo 1 backpack cukup. Tapi harus dicukup2in.. :(

  12. But but but Bath is totally awesomesauce! It’s a brilliant place to visit for history-buffs sih, you can skip it if not. But honestly, the South West trumps London any day (IMHO)

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