Bad day or good day?

Do you believe that there is actually a bad day and a good day? Or are all days are equal? Or are all days are good? As an optimist, it’s twisted that I actually believe that there is indeed a good day and a bad day and a normal day.

Have you ever waken up feeling so so so bad and whatever happens on that day were just wrong? Ok, it’s probably not the day’s fault, it’s probably our feeling, our aura, or whatever that makes us see the day as a bad day, but sometimes we just want to blame the day and call it a bad day.

You can’t do everything right, even on the things you’re best at. Your cooking taste horrible, you have a writing block, the people around you are just annoying and irritating, the shower is either too hot or too cold, the train is delayed, your stomach feels funny and every single thing is just so so so wrong.

Well, when you had a bad day, you must remember this…

It only lasted 24 hours. :)

Well… I don’t think today is a bad day, but my stomach does feel funny and somehow my writing sucks (or is it because it’s been too long since I wrote so it feels awkward for me) but my shower turned out to be fine. :p

I have a dilemma though…

I have one draft post about my bachelorette night that happened on 10th May in Jakarta. I’m pretty sure I should never post it because well…. hmm, how to say this… let’s just say the wedding could be cancelled if any of Bandi’s relative found out about that night. LOL. However I told Bandi everything (I remembered) about what happened that night and he was okay with it. He laughed on some parts too so it’s totally okay. We blamed everything on my bridesmaids though. Haha.

However, I want that night to be on my blog so ten years from now I can reminisce that one super fun night. So the only conclusion is to post it private with password. This will be totally against my rule of blogging, because why would you be blogging at the first place if you post something private?

I’m a super extrovert person. I actually don’t mind people found out what I did that night. They could either judge me or be super jealous because I had the best bachelorette night possible, but I think I have to keep it private because Bandi wouldn’t want his sides of the grass found out, if you know what I mean.

So if you see one locked post on this blog, don’t swear on me. I really really don’t want any locked post on my blog but this time, I have to. :(((

And for the sake of connectivity of this post, let me ask, how’s your day today?

Bad day? Good day? ;)


May, feeling kinda bored.

35 thoughts on “Bad day or good day?

  1. Lumayan good day. And I posted many private posts too. Yg tau password-nya sih banyak. Tp lebih banyak yg gak tau. Terutama aku tak mau keluargaku fan keluarga Abi tau, hahaha. Coz I know many of them read my blog eventho probably not on daily basis.

    • Iya tyk, mereka tuh nggak pernah blg mereka baca but in some conversation, tiba2 mereka sebut beberapa hal yang nggak pernah aku kasih tau mereka sebelumnya then aku asumsikan mereka baca dari blog. Dan kamu tau sendiri kadang aku nulis suka nggak disaring, so sepertinya some things harus di-lock :(

  2. i’m struggling here! but i know i’ll be fine!!!
    btw, to publish or not to publish is your choice! your blog anyway!!! tapi gw pengen tau sejujurnyaaa!!! gw mau versi livenya ajaa gimanaaa .. ditemani sama sushi sushi lucu!!!! ;)

  3. bad day for me, hahaha
    wah kamu bachelorette partynya pas aku di bkk, ga liat updatean di IG :(
    pasti seru lah bridesmaids kamu kan gokil2 ahahaha
    sayang sekali di protect, pdhl pgn baca juga *winkwink :P

  4. Normal day here :D Tadi pagi bangun sumuk karena duit didompet udah tiris, ehh tetiba buka tas satu lagi nemu duit 40 rebu, trus dapet rembesan taxi dari kantor 140rebu.. So jadi equal yah..hihihi.. May, gue penasarannn bgt sama cerita bachelorette night lu..Abis udah dikasih teaser di ig..hahaha :D Eh tapi gpp May, dilock juga kan blog lu ini yah jadi ga perlu ngerasa gmn2 lah.. :)

  5. Okay day for me.. lebih condong ke good day sih berhububg aircon kembali dingiiinn.. hahahaha.

    Sebenernya g kadang juga mo nulis yg rada2 private..sayangnya blogger ga ada feature pake password. Jadi klo ada yg private2 g simpen di draft aja deh.

  6. so far so good… moga2 good day dah soalnya gua kudu ngasih training nih hari ini…

    btw kalo postingnya udah kelar, boleh bagi password nya gak? biasa… kepo! hahaha

  7. My day at work ended with a bit boredom today but now I am heading home and have decided to enjoy the rest of the day.

    I wonder if you let readers read that locked post? Cause I am genuinely interested in it :-)

  8. Jadi penasarannnnnn…. tapi emang sesuatu hal yang agak rawan konflik sebaiknya di protect aja, demi keamanan bersama…hihihi… mudah2an suatu saat bisa gue baca deh ya…. (pssst…bagi password dong…hihihi…)

  9. Ehm, I think today is my normal day deh…
    Pagi2 senam trus jemput Fathir sembari beli makanan ke rm padang…
    Trus bobok siang, jemput kayla dan BW deh *how boring*..hihihi…

    Highlight of the day kayaknya ntar malem deh, gue mau nonton eps terakhirnya Empress Ki..hiihi..*cemen*

    Gak papa postingan di lock, tapi email in gue pasword nya atuh laaaah…*kepo*

  10. hi may!
    selama ini jd silent reader tp kali ini komen karena your quote here saved me. twice. akan jadi mantra gw deh.. thank you ya :) everytime i have a bad day, i’ll remember: It only lasted 24 hours :)

    oh iya itu tulisan yg dipassword ga ada kemungkinan nanti dibuka buat umum gitu? hehe..

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