You got my body shakin!


I know I do!

Yang cinta boyband, ngacuuuunggg!!!!! Mana suaranyaaaaaaa?!!!! *heboh sendiri*

So, last weekend a friend of mine posted The Big Reunion link on Path and thank god she did! Because then I spent the whole Sunday watching 9 episodes of The Big Reunion and the final concert!

The Big Reunion is the reality show with a mission of getting back the old boybands/girlbands together from their (mostly rough) split.

There are six reunited bands which are: 911 (my favorite!), 5ive, B*witched, Liberty X, Honeyz and Atomic Kitten.

I was a HUGE fan of 911 back then when I was a teenager. Lee Brennan’s face was all over my bedroom wall and I knew all 911’s lyrics by heart. When 911 sang Bodyshakin’ on the reunion concert, I still could sing it (almost) perfectly even the rap lines!

if you’re a huge fan of 90’s era like me, YOU REALLY SHOULD WATCH THE WHOLE REUNION STORY.

I post it here the one part of their finale episode when they finally do the concert. (You can see the other parts in youtube)

I spent like 10 hours watching the whole story and I shed a tear few times. I was sad because most of them had to go through post-popstar syndrome which is a mental breakdown of feeling lost, feeling life is meaningless and fame could make them lost their true identity.

Sean from 5ive had it first, and then Scott and they called it quit. The band was separated in 2000 and they all parted to different ways. Scott thankfully managed to put all the pieces back together, married the love of his life and had two beautiful sons. Richie had to move to Australia to start fresh so nobody won’t recognize him. Sean was lost for a while, and Abs hit the rock bottom. He was partying hard everyday, on crack and lost so many years of his life, and then went bankrupt… until he met a girl and started to renew his life. Now he’s living in a farm with 5 chickens, two horses and his ‘green thumb’. =)

911 was separated badly too. Lee couldn’t take the fame anymore and called it quit while Jim was furious with the decision. He never really talked until that day, they were being reunited and filmed!!! You guys must watch this show, seriously!

Lee, sadly, was separated from his wife Lindsay (from B*witched) last year, so being in the reunion rehearsal and everything kinda put a lot of tension on them. And I cried once when Lee had a talk with Lindsay and OMG he realllyyyy still loves his wife. :”(

Ok, I blabber a lot. The bottom line is, if you love the 90’s bands, especially British bands, this is a show for you!

Yesterday Bandi and I spent hours of singing our heart out with the 90’s songs like 5ive, 911 and boyzone and then accidentally went to local boyband like Co-Boy, Trio Libels and Cool Colors. remember? Hahahahaha! It was so FUN doing it! Ah…. reminiscing the good old times.

When we sang 911 songs, Bandi asked me, “Geez. You still remember all the lyrics. Didn’t you have life back then?”

I answered, “I was  TRUE MTV generation, Bandi. I watched it WHOLE DAY. I knew all the video clip, got the lyrics from Kawanku or Gadis magazines (because we didn’t have internet back then) and then learned my English from the lyrics. Dictionary was still a book (not the electronic one) and I had to flip one by one to finally understand the song. Yes, that was how I learn my English, through song.

Whenever there was 911 video clips, my cousin Renny would call me (on the landline phone) just to tell me to switch on the TV. So epic! Hahaha

When Bandi played this Video:

I was “KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”-ing like a teenager again. Geez IT FELT SO GOOD!!!! I remember I even knew all the dancing of Westlife videos back then. I used to do the dancing with all my friends.

Today, my spotify has been working very hard playing all the 90’s songs and I feel that today I feel more elevated. I don’t mean to be so picky but I have never feel connected to the music anymore since the 90’s era. Sure I love Taylor Swift’s songs but nothing can bring the good feeling like the old songs. Or maybe it’s the feelings I had back then that’s being brought back to life. You know how songs could revive your old feelings, right? =)

God, I had a great teenage life. So simple, so pure, so youthful.

How’s your teenage life?

P.S. Hey Bandi, if you read this, let’s do that again tonight! This time with the bodyshakin’ dancing! XD

P.P.S. However growing up I started to love rock music more and for every “what’s your favorite band?” question I would answer undoubtly DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL! And yeah I’ve watched Dashboard concerts three times and even met Chris Carrabba in person! ;)


May, not shameful of her boyband obsession.

28 thoughts on “You got my body shakin!

  1. KYAAAAA!!!!! *ikutan heboh* aku juga nonton Big reunion ini dari minggu lalu, tapi belom kelar sampe sekarang soalnya nonton di kantor setelah kerjaan kelar. Btw ada yang aku gak ngerti nihh, si J dari 5ive itu keluar kenapa ya? aku kangen banget sama deep voice-nya yang keren itu huhuhu. Dan Lee Brennan tetep awesome ya, padahal yang 2 lagi *lupa namanya* udah keliatan tuwir banget.

    • Si J bukan keluar dit. Jadi Five itu bubarnya gara2 Sean keluar duluan trus Scott mental breakdown. Abis itu Richie bela Scott bilang kalo mereka harus stop karena hidup mereka udah ga sehat lah. Nah si J dan Abs itu yang paling ga terima Five bubar. Habis bubar yg paling pengen balikin FIve si Scott tapi semua udah pada ngilang. Nah The Big Reunion ini yang nyatuin mereka tapi anehnya si J nggak mau gabung. Dia nggak mau do anything with them. Aneh aja, nggak ada alasannya apa.
      Iihhh jahat kamu! Yang dua lagi Jimmy dan Spike. =)

      • ehh iya maksudnya gak mau ikutan di The Big Reunion ini huhuhu sedih ya. Hahahaha abisnya yang 2 itu kayak cuma pelengkap/backing vocal, yang banyak lead nyanyi tetep Lee :D

  2. “I feel your pain” (quote Bill Clinton). We all want to return to our good memories.

    So I want The Beatles back. I want The Band back. I want The Who back. I desperately want Janis Joplin back. And most of all I want Jimmy Hendrix back. I even want The Velvet Underground back.

    And I want the Rolling Stones to retire. As off now!

  3. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yg elo sebutin semua gw kenallllll *berusaha semaksimal mgkn jadi seumur sm elo may*

    gw dolo cinta matik sama ultra yang say onceee say twaaaayhaaays……………. kenal ga looo sama doii?

      • Kenalll dong ultra single pertamanya Say you do judulnya!! Hahahaha
        Kavana single pertama nya special kind of something. Eh eh si kavana ini ikut blind audition nya The voice UK loh!! Dan gak lolos. Malu2in banget! Lu youtube deh

  4. Aaah… the 90s is the best! I still love BSB til now! Gue masih punya kasetnya 911 lho, mau dibuang sayang. Tapi guerasa tu kaset juga udah rusak, kebanyakan di-rewind. Si Lee itu mukanya baby face banget ya.

  5. waaaa….nostalgia banget… gua inget 911, soalnya ada yg imut2 mukanya hahahaha… trus ada A1, yg waktu mereka kesini ampe heboh banget… tapi yg paling gua suka tuh BSB ama Boyzone… kayaknya ampe skrg gua masih afal tuh lagu2 mereka hahahaha…

    jadi pengen ikut ngepost beginian deh :D


    I didn’t like Blue being there though, they came kinda late and honestly, kayak beda angkatan juga ga sih? They came right at the end of my boyband phase, the last one I was really into was Westlife, although I still liked a few Blue songs :3

    AND LEE AND LINDAY OMG! Both my faves from their respective groups :'( huhu

    • Yes!!! Blue is different angkatan and they were not separated at the first place kannnnn! Gak nyambung banget sama “the reunion” theme.
      Mgkn ada mksd drama juga blue dimasukin since Lee Ryan nya mantan fiance nya si Liz Atomic Kitten. (Omg kita gossip as if masih smp dan baca di Gadis)
      I was into westlife like crazy too. But i guess we all stopped because we grew up. Bener kata lo, westlife itu yg terakhir. :)
      And and anddddd you know that episode when Lee and Lindsay talked in cafetaria??? Lindsay asked, “do you feel awkward?” and Lee said, “of course i do because you’re my wife.” and Lee stared at lindsay with THAT LOOK!!! i was literally screaming onto my ipad screen “TAKE HIM BIIIITCCCHHHH!!!!!”
      Ok ok i got too emotional.

  7. Huwaaaaa….angkat tangan! angkat tangan!!! 911! 5ive! B*witched! Atomic Kitten!
    Emang bener May, “nothing can bring the good feeling like the old songs” apalagi kalo denger Until The Time Is Through-nya 5ive ato The Tide Is High-nya Atomic Kitten, seperti ada perasaan rindu untuk kembali ke masa-masa itu…saat dimana aku tak perlu memikirkan besok harus kerja cari duitttt… hihihihi…..

  8. OMFG! uhuy banget unyeng2 gw pas baca post yang ini..dan yaolooooooo gw masi hapal sama liriknya mereka juga, hawa teenager yg kependem suddenly menguak! hahahaha..dan gw ngakak pol pas lait ada yg bawa tulisan ” we have boobs now “ saya juga ga mo kalah sama jeung yg ono ” eke juga punya boobs skrg!! ”

    Makasih buat post yg nostalgic ini.

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